The Deaf Community

〣 Location: Singapore
〣 No of Artisans: 6

"My dream is simple - to set up a studio for all my hard-of-hearing pals to find employment, learn craft and hang out."

- Ng Yit Ming

About The Community

Going by her moniker - Mimi - Yit Ming was left deaf at a young age due to an untreated illness. Her parents found her to be having a high-grade fever which could not subside, and unfortunately left her to be hard-of-hearing. Undeterred by her circumstances, she is part of the pioneering team to push boundaries for more people in the Deaf community to be recognised, in Singapore.

About The Collaboration

Pooling together her group of artisan pals, Mimi excitedly agreed to the Macrame sake carriers project as this provided an opportunity for her pals to learn new craft techniques, earn a supplementary income, and get to know others. After several training sessions, Mimi and her pals managed to complete 200 macrame sake carriers for a Japanese Sake Launch held in Singapore!

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