"As a creative, I enjoy communicating playfulness through my designs in hopes of piquing the interest of my audience and allowing them to feel a sense of enjoyment through the garment."

― Vivian Darlene, Fashion Designer

1. Could you share a little about yourself?

My name is Vivian and I’m a fashion designer and I recently graduated from Lasalle College of the Arts. As a creative, I enjoy communicating playfulness through my designs in hopes of piquing the interest of my audience and allowing them to feel a sense of enjoyment through the garment.

2. Share with us your design process.

For Our Barehands, I tried to create a series of elevated daily wear that focused on the details and the female silhouette. The design process involved concept building, sketching and finally putting down the actual measurements to the final garment piece.


3. Name 3 fashion designers you gain your inspiration from & why?

I look up to Toton, Peter Do and Robert Wun. The three of them have different aesthetics and I love to gain inspiration from them because of how they incorporate a sense of playfulness into their collection and this is reflected or represented in their brand's image. I like that they play with forms and shapes that add meaning to each garment!

4. So, what's next for you? 

I’m looking forward to how the fashion industry will continue to evolve and challenge the fashion world of creativity - the world that I'm hoping to contribute in with my creativity, and at the same time, hopefully be able to inspire others in return :)

girl sitting on chair in tencel clothes

guy and girl looking into camera

lady sitting on edge of chair




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