We are on a mission to make an open, honest and lasting change in communities, and we believe the first step is to ensure sustainable livelihood for the communities we work with. We envision a world where every person and community has the ability to stand on their own two feet.

We are Changing the Heart of Retail
We are in the business of creating an ecosystem of opportunities, enabling like-minded communities and brands to thrive. We do this with the aim of building a sustainable livelihood for small-producing communities around the world by connecting them with the global market.

We work on the basis of:
#1 People First
We work with our artisan partners on a mutual understanding of people first. We value every person as a partner - for who they are and what they do.
#2 Open Dialogue
We encourage two-way communication with our partners at all times. We believe in listening, understanding then doing. We take sharing constructive feedback seriously as we believe it encourages long-term growth.
#3 Originality
We deeply value the hands behind every design and every stitch. We encourage originality for every product made by our artisan communities. We do this by enabling them to retain their culture and tradition, yet interweaving it with a hint of modernity.
#4 Income Sustainability
We aim to work with our artisan communities directly as we do our best to ensure there is equitable opportunity for all, including a fair wage. Every small step towards financial independence is a step closer to a sustainable livelihood not just for our artisan partners, but for their families and the communities they live in.
But... It takes more than a pair of hands.
Our Barehands stands by the belief that everyone has the power in their hands to make a difference. Find out at collaborate on how to partner with Our Barehands.